To accept them for the unique and talented individuals that they are, not judging them based on stereotypes often depicted in media.
The month of April is considered Autism Acceptance Month, where the international community recognizes and accepts people who have unique talents and skills they can bring to the community and the workplace. While it’s a good first step, a major step in the right direction would be for businesses that have the resources to accept and actively hire people with autism. The current hiring process of bull shitting the interview process, picking up on every subtle body language, and using specific verbiage, and understanding what someone really means when they ask “Do you have any questions for me?”
While neurotypicals may be able to decipher and interpret what that last question means, it’s a little vague to someone on the spectrum. Some of us might even misinterpret that as something you’re not expecting because it’s too subtle for us. While some of us can interpret what it means, it can be tough because our brains are hardwired to be concrete thinkers. It can be difficult to grasp or interpret what questions like those actually mean “Have you studied up about our company and do you have specific questions related to our company?”
Most of it is tailored to an outdated system that discriminates against people with ASD based on the belief they can’t contribute to the growth of the company. When in fact they can, and it can come in handy during the labor shortage.
According to the CDC there are currently an estimated 5.4 million adults on the autism spectrum in the United States, and during a labor shortage 70% of them are unemployed and underemployed. It’s not because they’re lazy, many of them send out hundreds or thousands of resumes only to be ghosted or never to be contacted again after an interview. They may come across as different or socially awkward, but they’re hard workers and make up for it in other areas. Photographic memory. Memorization of details or reports. Sharp Long-term memory. And those are just a handful of talents
Why would you throw away the talent of 5 million people who are underemployed or unemployed actively looking for work with a solid work ethic and a photographic memory?
Convenience? Ignorance? Belief in false stereotypes perpetuated by Autism Speaks or the media.